Saturday, March 22, 2008

Toastmaster Expirience: What do you enjoy most?

Where did this question came from?, Well, I'll tell you the story behind the question.

Couple of weeks ago, I was on vacations (Maui and NYC were the destinations).

On Maui a bought lot of books not availables in Argentina (or if avialable, they are a translated version... generally the translations are very poor). Which books? :

Presentation Zen (Garr Reynolds).

The Art of the Start (Guy Kawasaki).

Made to Stick (Heath brothers).

The paradox of Choice (Barry Schwartz).

The Innovator's Dilemma (Clayton M. Christensen)

Off course I enjoy reading this kind of books, but we need to go a little further before we find the reason of this entry's title.

Presentation Zen is a very interesting book, plenty of good examples and tips to make a presentation a good experience for the presenter and the audience.

One of the recommendations was: Look for a Toastmasters' Club near your neighborhood.

I did it. And last week I was a guest on a Toastmasters session.

Was a new experience, a very good one which begins with an exercise: you should answer in no less than 45 seconds and no more than a minute: This Q:  What  do you enjoy most?.

Just a question but not a trivial one, and the answers of the great people present in the meeting make my first Toastmaster experience a memorable one.

I will not tell you more about this sessions, I will just ask you the same Garr Reynols recommend me: find a club near your house and join it (at least as a guest).

If you are wondering what I enjoy most?... I will let you know in a future post.