Monday, September 14, 2009

From digital to analog....

The digital is winning, but just because the pixels are gone, Digital is bringing an analog experience for all the users...

Fonts!! A Little time ago, fonts were digital and horrible. Do you imagine today's computer with a default font like this one:

On TVs... we got 720 p which is more than decent and makes digital tv the best analog experience we can have today (blueray and PS3 are part of the game... ;-) )
Digital Cameras with 10+ MegaPixel resolutions got more info than any 35mm film... bringing today a better analog experience or even a 3d experience.
 Audio got lossless compression algorithms.... from LP to CD...Joystick became in Wii remote... (with motion plus included)... thanks to accelerometers and other sensors...
is a fact... the most acceptable digital devices are helping us to build new experiences.. more analog ones... more close to what we are and will always be Analog Beings

Sunday, September 13, 2009

I´m back to blogging....

After more than a year of making up my mind reading some quite exciting books like Johnny Bunko from Dan Pink and The Element from Sir Robinson... is time to go back to blogging...
I will touch Analog and Senses soon in my new blog...
Sorry for not updating the blog frequently enough... but I will do.
And remember, you can follow me on Twitter: