Monday, September 14, 2009

From digital to analog....

The digital is winning, but just because the pixels are gone, Digital is bringing an analog experience for all the users...

Fonts!! A Little time ago, fonts were digital and horrible. Do you imagine today's computer with a default font like this one:

On TVs... we got 720 p which is more than decent and makes digital tv the best analog experience we can have today (blueray and PS3 are part of the game... ;-) )
Digital Cameras with 10+ MegaPixel resolutions got more info than any 35mm film... bringing today a better analog experience or even a 3d experience.
 Audio got lossless compression algorithms.... from LP to CD...Joystick became in Wii remote... (with motion plus included)... thanks to accelerometers and other sensors...
is a fact... the most acceptable digital devices are helping us to build new experiences.. more analog ones... more close to what we are and will always be Analog Beings

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